Milk Bath Sessions are an empowering and a beautiful way to capture gorgeous images of the mother either before and/or after pregnancy. Taking time to relax in this quiet boutique session is just one of the many ways to pamper a mother.

This session uses a deep soaking tub to emerge the client in a soothing, warm and therapeutic atmosphere. The botanical influence is selected and used to enhance the images as well as to create an atmosphere of peace and tranquility.  

The client’s design session helps me incorporate beauty that you are drawn to. This includes the pieces of clothing that you may use during your session. I have a wardrobe ready with different pieces that will photography beautifully.

If you would prefer to use your own tub please let me know as I can travel with my studio for this special session.


  • Milk Bath Session Welcome guide to help prepare you for this exciting session. It is filled with little and big tips to ease you into your session.

  • Style consultation to hep me personalize and design your session from your style match.

  • All design elements and botanical pieces used for your session.

  • The use of my personal suite for your session. If you have a tub that meets the requirements I do offer the option to come to your home for your session.

  • Post production and personal style design from your session.

  • Private digital album.

  • Digital Image Print release for personal use of your images.

The next step is to schedule a time to chat. This is about a 20 minute phone call to answer any questions you may have and schedule your session date.