
Within the first 48 hours of birth your newborn is changing so much! Make sure you capture every precious moment of it.

Being a part of this amazing moment of a family’s life is not something I take lightly. I want to help you savor and remember all the little details of the first day. When you go into labor you will contact me so that I can prep for the days ahead. This gives me time to plan and prepare to ensure a great experience. When your little one finally arrives, we will arrange a time, usually around the 12-36 hour mark, for me to come to the hospital and document your new chapter in life.

By using the natural elements of the hospital room, I will create a documentary style collection of photographs for you to treasure for many years to come.

  • 60 minute session at location of birth.

  • Digital Image Print release for personal use of your images.

  • Option to purchase boutique birth announcemets and artwork.

  • Digital birth announcement delivered within 24 hours of session.

  • Blogged session to share with family and friends.

The next step would be to schedule a time to chat. This is about a 20 minute phone call to answer any questions you may have and schedule your session date.

I also offer a unique Portland Style Baby Basket with a certificate for the recipient’s use of one of my sessions. Contact me to take the stress of purchasing a gift and WOW the receiving mama (and family).