Snow, Hot Chocolate and Love...a Timberline Lodge Engagement Session

Life brings so many people into your life that just stick. Terin, this lovely bride-to-be, is one of these people in my life. She is such a fun, outgoing and loving person.

So when I got the text.... you know the one? I was ecstatic for her and her fiancé. So of course I said yes to capturing their big day, and like any love story we got to pick an amazing background and had their engagement session in the snow!

It was a perfect Pacific Northwest winter with just enough fresh powder to make it ALL magical. 

Of course Timberline Lodge is always a beautiful setting with its rustic touches, yummy hot chocolates and amazing lodge fireplace!

The cute mugs were a gift from one of the bridesmaids and we HAD to incorporate the funs into our session. Timberline Lodge has awesome hot chocolate that is perfect to warm up to after playing all day in the snow.

Check out the video from their session and leave some happy wishes for these two. I can't wait to see them meet at the alter in September!

Let's chat about your love story! I am currently booking fall, winter and 2019 sessions. Do you have an intimate wedding or an honeymoon in the Pacific Northwest? I you would love to capture your story.... lets talk! Click HERE to start an inquiry.